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Security Token

First of all, you'll need to authenticate. Here is one way to do it, using your username, password and security token:

from reportforce import Reportforce

rf = Reportforce(username="", password="1234", security_token="token")


Information on how to get your security token here. You can usually find it in your e-mail box though.

Other methods

Alternatively, you could pass the Session ID and the Salesforce instance URL directly.

This may be useful if you want a more sophisticated method of authentication, hopefully supported by a library as simple_salesforce.

from simple_salesforce import Salesforce

sf = Salesforce(username="", password="1234", security_token="token")

rf = Reportforce(session_id=sf.session_id, instance_url=sf.sf_instance)

Now you're all set, head over to the Usage section to start getting data.


By default, it is assumed that your Salesforce server supports the version 47.0 of the Analytics and SOAP API.

If that is not the case, please pass the right version into the version parameter when logging in.

rf = Reportforce(
    username="", password="1234", security_token="token", version="32.0"

If you don't have a clue how to find that, try this link.

You can also assure yourself to have the Analytics API latest version by passing latest_version=True when authenticating.