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Getting reports

The simple case

This is the simplest way to get a report:


In this way, no filters are applied and you will get 2000 rows at max.

Getting more than 2000 rows

If you just want all the data, the only work around is to provide the name of a column to be used as a unique identifier for each row.

Unfortunately, this is needed because the API doesn't provide a way to limit by a number of rows or something more convenient like that.

rf.get_report("00O1a000001YtFG", id_column="Case Number")

Filtering by dates

You can also customize the standard date filter like so:

rf.get_report("00O1a000001YtFG", start="01 December, 2019", end="31/01/2020")


To avoid ambiguity, days must come first.

By default, this will use the standard date filter column that is in the report. You may change it with the date_column argument.

rf.get_report("00O1a000001YtFG", start="01/12/2020", date_column="Last Modification Date")

It's also possible to filter by an arbitrary date interval.

rf.get_report("00O1a000001YtFG", date_interval="Current Fiscal Year")

Filtering a column

If you want to filter the report by a report column, you may do it by passing a list of tuples to the filters parameter:

rf.get_report("00O1a000001YtFG", filters=[("Sales Revenue", ">=", 3000)])

You can use the typical logical operators as in Python, e.g. !=, == etc., but also contains, not contains and startswith.

To pass more than one value to the filter, just pass an iterable like a list or a tuple:

    "00O1a000001YtFG", filters=[("Closed Date", "==", ["01-02-2020", "02-02-2020"])]

You can filter by columns that are not included in the report's details also, i.e., columns that are not displayed in the rows.

Adding filter logic

When filtering, you may find it useful to add a logic to your filters:

rf.get_report("00O1a000001YtFG", filters=[("Account", "==", "Mary")], logic="1 AND 2")

If there already is a logic and you add a filter, you will have to update the underlying logic accordingly, otherwise the API will thrown an error.

Downloading report as Excel spreadsheet

You can download the entire report (the 2000 row limit does not apply here) as an Excel spreadsheet:

rf.get_report("00O1a000001YtFG", excel=True)

The spreadsheet will then be saved to your current working directory with an appropriate name.

But you may also pass a string to give the file the name you want.

rf.get_report("00O1a000001YtFG", excel="spreadsheet.xlsx")